Tag: training

Net Shot in badminton

Mastering the Net Shot: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Badminton

The net shot in Badminton is a crucial skill to learn. Is it most played in singles but it has its uses in doubles as well. The key point of the net shot is to force the opponent to lift so that you can dictate the pace of the rally. Control of the net is […]

Strategies & Tactics

Most Important Shot In Badminton – The Serve

So you want to know what the most important shot in badminton is? Arguing with your friends? Well, I got your back. Well, actually I don’t because I’m going to go through all of the basic shots in badminton, their utility, and what it means for the game over several posts. So you guys decide […]


Mistakes All Amateur Badminton Players Make

The below post contains affiliate links from which ShuttleSmash earns from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to the purchaser. Amateur badminton players and beginners are often fraught with many issues with their game. Who can blame them? I mean if you try something new you’re bound to be pretty bad at it initially, no […]

Skill level In badminton

What’s Your Skill Level In Badminton?

Sometimes we’re disillusioned by our own skill level in badminton. Sometimes it takes a reality check to show us maybe we’re not as good as we thought we were. I had my own experience of this, coming out of university, thinking I was pretty good, thinking about going pro… then BAM got battered by players […]


What Is The Best Body Type For A Badminton Player?

Shuttle Smash participates in the Amazon Affiliate program. This article contains affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. What is the best body type for a badminton player? It’s a question that was inadvertently answered by my dad once who told me I am the wrong build for a badminton […]

Blog Posts, Training

How to Jump Higher in Badminton

Have you ever watched professional players and gawked at how high they’re able to jump? The hang time of some of these players is amazing. Many amateur players want to improve the height of their jump to mimic the professionals. And who can blame them? What’s important though is that to really benefit from learning […]

Blog Posts, Training

Badminton Training – Practise Doesn’t Always Make Perfect

Badminton training is one of those things many players love to hate. It’s difficult, tires you out almost more than a real game and sometimes you’re questioning the relevance of the exercise you’re doing. Add to that the fitness element that almost gives you a cardiac arrest every time you do it – it doesn’t […]

Blog Posts, Training

Why It’s Ok To Lose In Badminton

Featured Image: Pierre-Yves Beaudouin Badminton, like any sport, is a competition. Everyone who is playing wants to be the best in their category. Whether that’s socially, at a club level, county/state or internationally. There’s no denying that winning is the ultimate goal. To lose in badminton, there’s a certain shame, particularly in tournaments. Yet we […]

sweaty tired muscular sportsman resting after workout in gym
Blog Posts, Fitness And Nutrition

Have You Heard Of Tabata?

We have all heard of (or at least should have) high-intensity interval training. I covered it in one of my previous fitness articles – stamina training. But over the last few weeks, I have been experimenting with a different form of HIIT known as Tabata. Tabata is a method of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) pioneered […]

Blog Posts, Training

Most Important Aspect Of Training? – Mental Fortitude

For this article, I thought I’d write about something a little different. Nothing to do with how to play badminton or strategies but more the mindset of your approach to badminton training. If two badminton players are physically equal and consistent in every way, the only variable is their Mental Fortitude. Human psychology is such […]