Tag: fitness


What Is The Best Body Type For A Badminton Player?

Shuttle Smash participates in the Amazon Affiliate program. This article contains affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. What is the best body type for a badminton player? It’s a question that was inadvertently answered by my dad once who told me I am the wrong build for a badminton […]

Tai Tzu Ying Training - Redbull Content Pool
Blog Posts, Fitness And Nutrition

Best Home Exercises For Badminton Players – My Top 7

Ah, here we are again, looking up home exercises for badminton. A new lockdown in the UK has closed down badminton yet again. So time to reflect on how we can maintain our fitness for the court again for the next month! If you haven’t come out of lockdown yet, or even if you have […]

Importance of Core Strength in badminton
Blog Posts, Fitness And Nutrition

Badminton Fitness – Role Of Core Strength In Badminton

Core Strength in badminton is one of the most fundamental attributes any player should have. Often strength training might be overlooked by amateur players because the sport itself is pretty lightweight. The rackets practically weigh nothing nowadays and the shuttle is a cork with a few feathers. When compared with other racket sports such as […]

Anaerobic PV-Sindu
Blog Posts, Fitness And Nutrition

Badminton Fitness – Anaerobic System – Further Information

The Anaerobic Systems The anaerobic systems do not require oxygen to generate energy. There are two anaerobic systems which the body utilises. Creatine Phosphate System Small amounts of ATP are readily available in the muscles ready for immediate use. It takes about three about 3 seconds to deplete these stores. At this point, creatine phosphate is […]

Blog Posts, Fitness And Nutrition

Badminton Fitness – Stamina In Badminton

Featured Image: Antony Stanley Stamina It is often thought that stamina in badminton and endurance are interchangeable. But there is a subtle difference between the two. Stamina is the ability of the muscles to perform at maximum capacity for a period of time. This is short term compared to endurance, which is associated with longer […]

Blog Posts, Fitness And Nutrition

Badminton Fitness – Endurance In Badminton

Endurance in badminton is the ability to continue a rally for long periods of time without tiring. It is an important part of any sport. When training for endurance we are training our heart and lungs to provide oxygen to the body more efficiently. Just to keep the science very brief – oxygen is necessary […]

man carrying barbel
Blog Posts, Fitness And Nutrition

Badminton Fitness – An Introduction

In badminton, fitness is paramount. Aside from having a good coach, fitness is probably the best way to improve your overall game. When considering fitness, many people think of cardiovascular fitness. This is the ability to continue playing without fatiguing. I mentioned this in my post on general things to do to improve your game. However, […]

green and white court with badminton rackets
Blog Posts, Training

Five Badminton Tips To Improve Your Game

In this article, I want to give you five badminton tips on the areas you should focus on if you want to improve your overall game. Not specifically one area such as netplay. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional player, there are always areas of your game that you can improve. It is important […]